Awards 2025

BSB Awards 2025

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 23. European BSB Innovation Award for
cosmetics, natural products,
their chemical raw materials as well as packaging and concepts
6. BSB Innovation Award "Environment"

The original since 2003
The BSB European Innovation Award are to be awarded in 2025 for the twentythird time by the independent BSB – Beratungs- and Servicebüro Dr. Riedel.

Das Original seit 2003
Der europäische Innovationspreis wird 2025 zum 23. Mal von unabhängigen BSB-Beratungs- und Servicebüro Dr. Riedel e.K. verliehen.

The innovation award, brought to life by BSB`s founder Dr. Jan-H. Riedel in 2003, aims to promote the global dissemination of up-to-date knowledge.
BSB has the ambition to support the industry in an optimum way and is therefore working in a close cooperation. 

Der europäische Innovationspreis wurde 2003 ins Leben gerufen, um die weltweite Verbreitung von Wissen und Innovation zu unterstützen.
BSB hat den Anspruch, die Industrie optimal zu unterstützen und arbeitet deshalb in enger Kooperation mit der Industrie.

Sehen Sie die Filme des Abends auf/ please take a look into the movies of the evening on  YouTube

Sie finden Sie die Filme der einzelnen Teile der Verleihung auf Youtube/ please find the parts of the award ceremony on Youtube:

The short liste
Category/ Kategorie 5


Sub-category Ingredients XIII

Sub-category End Products XIV

Sub-category Industrial Processes XV

All in June
Deadline May, 30, 2025 6 pm

For details please take a look at the page .../2026. Besides the deadline the details are absolutly the same.

You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award
from the date of the event

The short list
Category/ Kategorie 4

Applied Concepts/ ideas

in June

Deadline May, 30, 2025 6 pm

For details please take a look at the page .../2026. Besides the deadline the details are absolutly the same.

You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award

from the date of the event

The short lists
Category/ Kategorie 1

Cosmetics/ Raw Materials/ actives

presented by 

Sub-category I: actives
Algaktiv: Exometics G
BASF: Oximony
Exsymol: Alistisilane
Givaudan: confidential ingredient
Kolmar: Flollagen
Lucas Meyer by Clariant: GLOWCYTOCIN
Lipoid Kosmetik: Peeling Complex
Lipotrue: Frag-Brillin
Mibelle Biochemistry: PhytoCellTec Exosomes
Misubishi: Cera Drip 
Transaktiva: Leneas PepT2
Vytrus: Centella Reversa Exosomes

  You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award
from the date of the awarding

Short lists
Category/ Kategorie 1
Cosmetics/ Raw Materials/ functionals and recipients

Presented by

Sub-category II: functionals/ recipients
BASF: Lamesoft OP Plus
Lipoid Kosmetik: PhytoSolve range
Lucas Meyer by Clariant: Pickmulse
Symrise: SymSol ProSun

 You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award
from the date of the awarding

The short lists
Category/ Kategorie 1

Cosmetics/ Finished Products and Packaging
Category/Kategorie 2

Presented by

Category 1
 Most innovative end products for the European markets (not only EU) available in stores

Sub-category III Cosmetics Finished Products

Sub-category IV packaging:

Category 2
Finished products from influencers / medical brands, internet-based (not available in stores)  / private labels worldwide, speciality products.

Sub-Category V Finished products: 

Sub-category VI packaging

ALL from June
 Deadline May, 30, 2025 6 pm

For details please take a look at the page .../2026. Besides the deadline the details are absolutly the same.

You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award
from the date of the event

The short lists
Category/ Kategorie 3

Natural Products/ Raw Materials/

Presented by

 Sub-category VII: actives
Codif: Pantodium CICA
Greentech: Timelys
Ichimaru Pharcos: HyaloGuard R2
Inclita: InAlgae LIT
Kolmar: Mololock
Lucas Meyer by Clariant: Melicica
Lipoid Kosmetik: Morin Guard
Lipotrue: Lightmony
McActives: Opensee
Mibelle Biochemistry: VividEYE
Nabsolute: HyaSphereX Revive
Naolys: InnerLift Calendula
Nippon Fine Chemistry: PrimeLipid PI
Oat: EcoPep
Rahn: YerbaLuxe-Crown
Symrise: SymReliv Green
Vytrus: Capilia Longa Exosomes

Sub-category VIII
BASF: Verdessence Maize
Givaudan: confidential ingredient
Mane Kancor: Purakan
Seiwa Kasei: Vistanol GDHR-Pure

 You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award
from the date of the awarding

The short lists
Category/ Kategorie 3

Natural Products/ Finished Products and Packaging

Presented by 

Sub-category IX Natural Products

Sub-category X Packaging

All from June
 Deadline May, 30, 2025 6 pm

For details please take a look at the page .../2026. Besides the deadline the details are absolutly the same.

You find a movie of the ceremony with all winners on bsb innovation award
from the date of the event

Werden Sie Teil der Community/ Become part of the community.

The circle of friends of the/ der Freundeskreis des BSB Innovation Award(s)

Werden Sie Teil der Community/
Become part of the community .

The SUPPORTERS of the/ die SUPPORTER des BSB Innovation Award(s)

Dr. Jan-H. Riedel

The founder of BSB, Dr. rer. nat. Jan-H. Riedel, was born in Hamburg.

Der Gründer des Beratungsbüros, Dr. rer. nat. Jan-H. Riedel, ist gebürtiger Hamburger

BSB Innovation Award

The BSB Innovation Award has been awarded since 2003 in the various categories.

Der BSB Innovation Award wird seit 2003 in den verschiedenen Kategorien verliehen.

BSB Consulting

Dr. Riedel has been operating internationally in the area of technical consulting with the key focus on cosmetics too. 

More/ Mehr:

Dr. Riedel arbeitet ausserdem im Bereich technisch-chemisches Consulting mit Schwerpunkt Kosmetik.
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